A letter to God

I received a letter from my good friend John the other day. He had dropped the letter for me in the old Officers' colony church. The letter read as below:

Dear God,

I do not know if it makes any sense for me to write this letter. Our good Reverend Rev. William and my wife Emily think it is best if I communicate my feelings to you.

As you already know, I am a retired serviceman. I have lived a full life and I have devoted my last years to the services of the Church. But, of late there are few things which have started to trouble me. I have seen young men and women destroy their lives and the lives of those around them ruthlessly with their vile ways. My only son Edward was killed last month by a Gunman when he had gone to the grocery store where he worked every day after his college. The Gunman it seems was a disgruntled store employee who had been fired a few weeks back. He shot at everyone in the store that day. My son too inadvertently became a victim of this person's lunacy.

Lord, I have served you and the Church all my life. I have never asked anything back in return. Then, why have you punished me so severely? Why have you taken my only son away from me? Edward was such a nice boy. He took care of me and his mother with so much care and love. Why have you then inflicted this suffering on us in our last years?

I really need your answer to this question as my whole life's faith is being tested by this ordeal.


As I read the letter my eyes filled with tears and my heart went out to the grief of my dear friend John and his wife Emily. I decided to reply to his letter immediately.

Dear John,

I am very sorry for your loss. There is no greater pain than the loss of one's child. I want to inform you that Edwards is now in my care. He watches you and Emily every day from the skies and loves you just as much as he did when he was with you in his life.

The Gunman who shot Edward was a person named James. He was a devoted and good person too. He had a small girl by the name of Emma. Emma was suffering from cancer. When Edward took over the job, the grocery store fired James as he used to be often late for his work owing to his frequent trips to the hospital. James could no longer afford Emma's expensive medicines and in a few days she passed away.

James became angry. He was no longer the same person that loved me. His heart was consumed with hate and anger. His mind could no longer reason the good from the bad. He blamed the people of the Grocery store for Emma's death. He decided to take revenge.

I tried to talk to him as I do with everyone all the time. But, he was not ready to listen. He had already chosen to enact the grave sin. He walked with a fit of rage and shot at everyone in the store that day. Edward could have chosen to remain hidden under the desk and he would have remained unharmed. But, he chose to come in the way of James's bullets and saved the lives of two young children. He gave up his life for a good cause and this was an act that he chose to perform as well.

I am very sorry for your loss and feel the same pain as you have been suffering. But, please remember that though I have given lives to all men I have no power over their actions. I can guide them and show them the right path. But, everyone has to choose the right path themselves.

Have some more faith in me and continue your good work. Remember that life itself does not have any meaning but it is an opportunity to create a meaning.

Lots of Love,

The End

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