Mystery Land - Chapter 3 - The God's Well

This is the third part of the Fantasy series "Mystery Land". You can read the previous two parts using below links:
"The Mystery Land - Part 1 - The Mystery begins"
"The Mystery Land - Part 2 - Celina's Gift"

#1: King Riley learns of the God's Well
"Why are your here Son? What do you want from me now?" the old man questioned King Riley. The old man was King Patrick. He was a wise and just ruler. He had maintained good relations with all the neighboring countries. When Riley grew up he thought that his father was a weak King. So, he staged a coup and imprisoned his father. Even though, he had imprisoned him his father still loved him. Riley knew this very well and he came to him for his counsel for important matters. But, he dared not to release his father from prison for fear that the people might revolt against him.

Riley takes out an old scroll from his coat's pocket and hands it to his father. He asks his father to take a look at the scroll.

King Patrick takes the scroll from his hand. He wonders what secret his son had got hold of now.

The scroll read: "Today, King Arthur demonstrated a super-human feat. He was being shown the new Palace being built on the Southern side of the kingdom. As he was surveying the building, the workers that were putting a new pillar in place suddenly lost control of the rope tied around the pillar when one of them was stung by a king cobra. The pillar was about to fall with full force on two ministers who were standing near the pillar. King Arthur saw this and ran a hundred yards leaping like a leopard and with his strong hands stopped the pillar which was weighing at least a hundred tons. This account demonstrates that King Arthur is no ordinary human. He is surely a demigod."

When King Patrick had read this account he scorned,"Do you believe in this nonsense? Your grandfather created these myths to scare his enemies."

"No father, he didn't create any myths. This scroll was recovered from the great library of Thales. It has the royal seal on it. This account was written by none other than Arthur's most trusted minister Merlin."

King Patrick felt a lump in his throat. There was no point in pretending anymore. He asked,"If you know everything now, why have you come here?".

King Riley smiled wryly. "Don't be so bitter Father. I know now that King Arthur was a demigod. I want to hear it from you."

King Patrick acknowledged that King Arthur was indeed a demigod. The secret that he had managed to hide all these years was finally out.

Riley's eyes shined brightly with this confirmation from his father. All these years he had heard whispers and rumors. He had always been in wonder and awe of the accomplishments of his grandfather.

How could one man have defeated an entire tribe of Bali savages single-handedly? How could anyone have swum for seven days continuously to reach the shore after being shipwrecked? Which sane person wrestled with elephants and ran alongside horses? There were so many tales of Arthur's super strength that Riley almost thought they were all made up to deter his enemies.

"Why are we mortals then, Father? Why are we not demigods like my grandfather?" King Riley asked his father out of curiosity.

"Son, to become a demigod, a mortal must drink nectar out of the God's Well," King Patrick answered his son.

"Where is this God's well, please tell me, father," King Riley begged his father.

"The well is located in the country on the edge of this world. The same place that we all know by the name of Mystery Land," King Patrick replied.

King Riley sneered. So, this was the Mystery of this place. If he drank the nectar he would become a demigod and would rule over the whole world forever.

King Patrick saw the smile on his son's face and cautioned him,"No mortal who has set foot in this place has ever returned back alive. This place is guarded by fearsome beasts and demigods. Your grandfather had told me this secret when I was just a boy. He had made me promise never to attempt to venture into this place. He said that Immortality was a curse and he always wished to die as a mortal. I kept my promise. Now, I want you to keep out of this place. Don't be consumed by your lust for power, lest it consumes you".

King Riley mocked his father,"Thank you very much for your counsel, Father. Now, I will return back to you as a demigod. It is a pity that you knew this secret all your life and never made any attempt to become a strong demigod. Instead, you chose to live as a weak person."

He returned to the lift and ordered the soldier posted there to take him up.

#2: The Elf Prince Yala goes in Pursuit of the Book of Enchantments

Many thousand years back, the ancient Elves were very powerful. They had a special magic book called The Book of Enchantments. Some people said that the book was given to their Elders by God himself when he created this world. He provided them this book so that it would help them in building a great civilization. The Elf Elders used the book to build a great world. But, as time progressed they forgot the true purpose of the book and began to misuse it to fulfill their selfish desires. Their hearts were consumed by lust for power.

God grew angry when he saw their evil behavior and he sent demigods to attack the Elves and recover the Book of Enchantments from them. A great war was fought among the Elves and the demigods. At last, one brave demigod called Al managed to enter the Elf Palace and steal the book. The Elves were powerless without the book and surrendered. The Elves were banished from the Elf land which was now known as the Mystery Land. The demigods carried the book and hid it in a secret place.

It was believed by the Elves for a very long time that the book was hidden in the Mystery Land. So, they did not dare to attack the Mystery Land. They knew that the demigods could not be defeated without the magic book. So, they waited patiently for an opportunity to attack the demigods and reclaim their kingdom and magical book.

When Sam chanted the ancient enchantments and brought the dead to life, the Elves realized that the book was now in the possession of a mortal. The Elf King Runal ordered his son, the Prince Yala to go in Pursuit of Sam and recover the book from him.

But, when Prince Yala reached Sam's village he realized that he was already gone. Yala knew where Sam was headed and he turned around his horse in the direction of the Mystery Land.

#3: Abar reaches the Iron Gate

It was dark by the time Abar crossed the Dark Forest. He was standing at the edge of the Dark Forest.  A river separated the Dark Forest from the lands beyond it. From where he stood, he could see a hill on the other side of the river. The river flowed with a strong current and it was impossible to cross the river on a horse. So, Abar got down from his horse Swift, patted it and told him to return back to Celina. The horse neighed and disappeared into the Dark forest.

Abar took a deep breath and dived into the dangerous river. The river was deep and he had to swim against the strong current to cross it. But, Abar was a trained warrior. He was a great swimmer and with his great strength, he pushed through the gushing water with great force. After an hour's swim Abar was able to cross the river.

As he emerged out of the river, he saw a small rocky hill. He saw a bright light shining on the top of the hill. He climbed the hill. On reaching the top, he saw a huge Iron gate. The top of the gate was lit with flaming torches. The Iron Gate was forged into an invisible wall for he could not see any wall on either side of the gates. Nor could he see what lay beyond the gates.

He crawled silently to the side of the wall. He tried to feel the invisible wall with his hand. His hand made contact with a soft rubbery material. He tried to punch the wall but he just bounced back as if someone had pushed him back. He wondered how he would cross the Iron Gate to reach inside the Mystery Land.

#4: Sam comes to meet Celina

Celina sees Sam mounted on a horse and entering the Dark Forest on her crystal ball. She sees that he is accompanied by several spirits. She remembers the ancient prophecy of the Golden Circle of Wizards that a dark wizard would raise an army of the dead which would bring an end to a great tyrant's rule. Celina is happy that finally, the prophecy is going to come true. But, she sees dark clouds and blood in her crystal ball. She realizes that Sam's life is in great danger. He must be protected at all cost to bring Riley's rule to an end. She fetches her magical staff and rushes to meet Sam when suddenly she hears a horse's neigh. She turns around to see a beautiful blue horse without a rider. She recognizes it instantly as Abar's horse. She is concerned about Abar and hopes he is safe.

To be Continued.


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